Nathalie Biasolo & Lars Mikkelsen

Nathalie Biasolo & Lars Mikkelsen

We are two sports enthusiasts who have chosen to join forces and share our knowledge about sports across national borders.

Nathalie Biasolo, MD. Sportphysiologist, free profession for performance test with praxis in Switzerland (c/o Praxis in Gau Harkingen). 
Collaborates with Quotidie Magazine for research projects / Football fitness as training  and sport theraphy/in link with ETH Zurich, SDU, World Mountain Running Association and Worlds Athletics. In activity as mountain runner with Swiss Athletics 

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Lars Mikkelsen. Danish Air Force,  TRX instructor, triathlete and runner 

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Dalgas Alle 131, 2, th
7800 Skive


Midt- og Vestjylland



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